Surely the hypocrites are in the lowest stage
of the fire and you shall not find a helper for them.( Women-145)
At first, I
want to introduce you to Adnan Oktar himself. It might be that such a dangerous
man for the (Islamic) world is unknown to you.
Adnan Oktar(using the pseudonym Harun Yahya) promotes Islamic unity throughout the whole Islamic
world and he has many publications fighting Darwinism. But isn’t it
controversial, that such a Casanova, such a playboy, occurs like a high graded
Islamic academic? Yes it is! And that is not the only controversial charasteric
of Harun Yahya. This man is based on
I want to inform you to the system of workings of the Harun Yahya movement,
with its leader Adnan Oktar. This movement is powerful and globally very well financed. This reflects
itself on the living standards of Harun Yahya; clothes branded Gucci, Versace,
etc. and he habits a palace. There are all women with pumped up lips, breasts
and other body parts around him. See the picture beneath, those are the most
popular girls of Harun Yahya.
Oktars women
direct source of its wealth is unknown, but as we take a look at Oktars near
past it will become clear that he earned his money with criminal activities (blackmailing,
and probably pimping, etc) in the past. But this source turned probably into external
“donations” after 1986. In that year he published a book called “Freemasonry
and Zionism”, criticizing those two movements on behalf of the Turkish state
and Islam. This publication got him thrown in jail and got a therapy of 19
months on psychological illness. However, I could not find this book anymore on
one of its sites, where he provides all his books. I am not going to give thou
those sites, in order to not to promote this devilish person.
who gives this donation today? To a man, who fights Darwinism and promotes
Islamic unity? No Islamic movement/organization claims a neither donation nor
praises Adnans movement. The only persons who praise him openly can be found in
Zionist movements, freemasonry and the US congress...the enemies of Adnan
himself, and more important, of Islamic unity. Beside, those praisings are
mutual, as we can see in the following video. Controversial, isn’t it?
Adnan gets praised because of his good work
remarkable point about the freemasons is that they are actually over the 30th
grade, what means that they are the top in their system, which has 33 grades in
total. Those persons are very powerful and it is a question why they even
bother to sit around a table with Adnan.
addition, the women around his table are all attractive. But the recruitment of
them is rather mentionable point. When Adnans movement began to grew he seeked
to recruit men and women with a good appearance. They began to spread his propaganda
to their friends and family and if Adnan approved it, they could become a
member of the growing movement. But this approvement had a dark side. Those
lured young women had to have sex with influential persons, with the promise of
membership to the movement. Another
point was the hierarchic positionings of the members. As NewHumanist writer
Halil Arda states: “The social
organisation within the group was becoming rigidly hierarchical and, as is
common in messianic cults, sexual relations were tightly controlled, with the
putative messiah given access denied to others. Oktar considered all female
members his legitimate possession. Berk, a recent defector after seven years,
describes the groups: “There were sisters (bacilar), concubines (cariyeler) and
brothers (kardesler), the male members. The brothers were allowed to marry the
concubines, while the sisters were all married to Adnan Hodja.”
after this hierarchy was set within the organization, the members were limited
to only have sex which would not lead to pregnancy, whether it was anal or oral
sex, or sex with contraceptives.
Adnan has a lot of published books, documentaries and articles. His masterpiece
is the Atlas of the Creation, in which he addresses Darwinism. This book, very
heavy, thick, illustrated and glossy was sent freely to many organizations,
libraries, universities and other institutions over the world. And also in many
other publications he discusses Darwinism and tells that it is an ungrounded
theory. But, this is already known on an academically level, while the evolution
theory has the missing link. So what is the point of reviving a topic which is
been brought to an end? Actually: prestige and publicity under the ignorant
contrast (again), Adnan has neither an academic award, nor does he speaks,
writes and understands the English language. Also he pretends to be an “all-expert”:
he assumes to have knowledge and an opinion about every topic thinkable, but
actually knows and talks ‘nothing’, which clearly denotes that he is a high
classed opportunist.
who writes all those articles then? Adnan is the director of the Science
Research Foundation, which produces all the knowledge Adnan claims to use in
his publications. However, this foundation is very closely related to the Californian
creationist Institute for Creation Research. It seems that in Adnans
publications, the knowledge of this institute is translated into an Islamic
perspective by putting some illustrations and passages out the Qu’ran in it.
And the sources in its publications, which are mostly English, contradict this
non-English-speaking man already.
top of that, having critic on Adnan or his movement can be fatal, as many
websites, papers and persons in Turkey experienced. By accusing critics for
insulting at the court in Turkey, pressuring persecutors and having a huge
amount of lawyers working for them, they won many of those lawsuits. The price
for it was that critics had to close their mouth and/or had to pay compensation
to Adnan.
mentioned before, the books of Adnan are pressed on glossy, high-quality,
expensive paper. They contain colored illustrations and most of the time and
such books are expensive for readers. However, Adnan is so generous and wants
to help the world so much, that he provides all his books for free! He sent those
to mosques to propagate it under the Muslim population and deals in the same
way by sending it to other institutions for free. Where does he get this money
to post such an amount of books, not to mention the price of pressing those books?
And what is the goal of propagating this in mosques? Muslims know already that
there is no evolution theory...
how much Adnanknows about Muslims and
Islam is questionable. For example: he teaches his members that Muslims have to
pray three times a day in stead of five times, which can be considered as ‘playing’
with the fundamentals of Islam.
he probably knows a lot about Judaism and Christianity. That might be the
reason why he has chosen for the pseudonym Harun Yahya. Harun, translated
Aaron, was the brother of Mozes and Yahya, translated John(the Baptist), was
the assistant of Jezus. Brands and pseudonyms play a huge role in representing
companies and persons. They tell in very short for what a company or a person
stands for. And it is very clear, who Adnan (Harun Yahya) represents.
A puppet man sent to blur the view of Muslims
on their own religion. A dangerous man that uses the name of unity and Islam in
order to de-unify. A real rat, Trojan horse, is what this man could be called.
Be aware of him.
The North-Korean 'sympathy' towards the world, especially towards America is well-known. Not to support North-Korea, but they made a good point with the following song, emphasizing the phrase: "And you were the cause of our country's division."
America was actually the cause of the division of Korea and is still being the main cause of a chaotic world. The 'divide et impera' foreign policy of the USA makes the world vomit blood.
This North Korean song is a better form of freedom of speech. However, most American elite will just laugh at such a song...But they will not smile anymore when I remember them that China is actually making "Yankee go home."
Lyrics (as shown in the clip):
We clearly remember the blood and tears we shed. And you were the cause of our country's division. Fucking USA !
And we won't forget all of the horrible massacres. You are a country of murderers. Fucking USA !
But if America is such a righteous country, then why can't we say what we want to say ? Have you made us into slaves of our own precious land ? So now we are yelling: We are against America !
You stole the Olympic Gold medal from us. You are a dastartly thief. Fucking USA !
You have the ability to steal everything and go on rampage. You are a monstrous thief. Fucking USA !
Did you hear Bush's violent threats ? Such an audacious country ! Fucking USA !
You threaten war in North Korea and intrude in our internal affairs. You are a country of gangs. Fucking USA !
But if America is such a beautiful country, then why can't we say what we want to say ? And we are worried about what kind of damage we could get from America. So now we are yelling: Yankee go home !
In this interview I went to Antwerpen to speak with one of the diamondcutters working there.
-Hello sir, can you introduce yourself and tell me more about your job ?
My name is Jakob and I'm 60 years old. I'm living in Antwerpen and my job is diamondcutter. Right now I'm looking how I could cut this diamond to make at perfect for selling. I've gotta tell that we make an incredible
profti by selling these little stones. They're found at Central and
West Africa, in poor countries like Liberia and Zimbabwe.
These people here are so stupid that they work their asses off to just get enough money to buy some food, but I think that's enough for them. And let me tell you a little secret; I know one of the tribeheads who has a little army under his control. It
exists of many children and they really going brute for the
diamondmines. They already wiped out one whole enemy tribe and raped
many women to take their advantage in the psychological warfare. I
gotta tell they're all stupid, but who cares ? Thanks to the christian
in the past, Africa is like an entertainment park for us.
-Sir Jakob, how much profit do you make with the selling and what are you most of the time spending at ?
Well Avraham, I..
-Excuse me sir, my name is Ibrahim, not Avraham.
Ok. Well Ibrahim then. I can't really tell you the amount of profit we
make, but it's enough for underkeeping me and my family. We, the jewish
diamondcutters in Antwerpen, support as natural our home country
Israel and we believe that God has promised us a country, that reaches
from the Nile to the Euphrates and we are ready to support this idealism
in every way we could. Beside this...
-Ok then, let's get back to the diamonds. We've to stick at the subject. What is the process from raw diamond to selling product ?
like I told you we getting those diamonds from brothers that are
working there. Sometimes our people can't find any diamonds and we've to
buy them from other diamondseekers. Unfortunately they're asking a
high price for a little amount of diamonds. But however, if we get those
diamonds by some way to Antwerpen, I'm sorry I can't tell you what the
logistic process is, but if we get them, we first look at how much
worth it is. Last time there was only one stone worth one million euro.
My friend and collugue Admon was the lucky one to have this diamond. After
we have cutted the diamonds we put them in bracelets, watches and other
jewelery. As you can see, we, the jews, are so big in this business
that we named it to our name. We called them jewelery. JEW/ELERY. Even the bracelet you now have on is jewelery, so....
? Is this bracelet jewelery, and is this named to a religion which
makes fun of the people dieing all over the world for their Great-Israel
plan ? Ok then, let me tell you something. If you gave one percent
of the profit you make to the people dieing by hunger in Africa right
this moment, you could have saved at least a tribe, in stead of killing
them. I don't want you and your greedy, zionistic fuckface. Here take
this jew/ELERY, and stick it up in your ass, so you can shit it out
again and can see what blood diamonds are !
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
— Menachem Begin – Israeli Prime Minister 1977–1983
De Koningen:
Actually, he forgot to mention that judaism is a religion and not a race. When you turn judaism into racism, it is called zionism. And zionists like Menachem B. & Co. and their ill ideas, make the world spit blood today.
The destiny and earthly kingdom, B. is talking about, is rooted from Hz. Ibrahims(Abrahams/Avrahams) time. According to them, Allah(God/Jaweh) promised a big land, reaching from the Nile to the Euphrate to Ibrahim. But that day actually never came, and zionists are dreaming to make this dream come true.
However, the promise of Jaweh never came out. Jaweh saved the jews many times, because of the creed they had. After that the jews promised over and over to Jaweh to stay loyal to Him. But actually never did that. Remember the Golden Kalve, jews had made, to replace Jaweh ? While Moses insisted them keep theirselves on the promises to stay loyal to Jaweh, they simply turned over to the devil. By worshipping the Golden Calve, they simply broke the law of Jaweh. Thereby, I want to remember you the first and second, of the Ten Commandments:
Do not worship any other gods.
Do not make any idols.
The jews repeated their unloyalty to their God. Take the crusifiying of Jesus as example. As soon as they heared about the new prohpet, they were aware of the danger for their own religion. This is simply what we see today with muslims and the rest. The other three religions see islam as a treath for their power, because they know it could actually overthrow them. So, the jews saw Jesus as someone who wanted to seize the power, because he was speaking about the 'real' God. The best way to stop him, was to murder him...and so they did, by crusifiying.
Oh, even I nearly forgot. They broke another Commandment actually, number six: Do not kill. And what is worse then killing a prophet ?
And then the zionists see themself as superior race, inducted by judaism. Well, they broke another commandment, number nine: Do not lie... not even to yourself; and this is what zionism actually is doing.
PS: You might ask yourself, how do they dare to even think about such a racist form of idealogy ? Well, there's a rule that money is power, you could calculate how much power the reparations is. The minimum amount of reparations in dollars, those racists/zionists got, on the soul of six million Jews from Germany, Switserland(neutral(?)), Austria, French banks and other European insurance companiers) after the Second World War is: more then 60 billion dollars ($, and that is only Germany. Hell, that's a lot of power...