vrijdag 12 oktober 2012

North Korean song - F*cking USA

The North-Korean 'sympathy' towards the world, especially towards America is well-known. Not to support North-Korea, but they made a good point with the following song, emphasizing the phrase:
"And you were the cause of our country's division."

America was actually the cause of the division of Korea and is still being the main cause of a chaotic world. The 'divide et impera' foreign policy of the USA makes the world vomit blood.

This North Korean song is a better form of freedom of speech. However, most American elite will just laugh at such a song...But they will not smile anymore when I remember them that China is actually making "Yankee go home."

Lyrics (as shown in the clip):

We clearly remember the blood and tears we shed.
And you were the cause of our country's division.
Fucking USA !

And we won't forget all of the horrible massacres.
You are a country of murderers.
Fucking USA !

But if America is such a righteous country,
then why can't we say what we want to say ?
Have you made us into slaves of our own precious land ?
So now we are yelling:
We are against America !

You stole the Olympic Gold medal from us.
You are a dastartly thief.
Fucking USA !

You have the ability to steal everything and go on rampage.
You are a monstrous thief.
Fucking USA !

Did you hear Bush's violent threats ?
Such an audacious country !
Fucking USA !

You threaten war in North Korea and intrude in our internal affairs.
You are a country of gangs.
Fucking USA !

But if America is such a beautiful country,
then why can't we say what we want to say ?
And we are worried about what kind of damage we could get from America.
So now we are yelling:
Yankee go home !


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